Full Name
Michael M. Miller
Job Title
Research Fellow
Speaker Bio
Mr. Michael Matheson Miller (English, Spanish, Japanese)
Michael Matheson Miller is a research fellow and director of Poverty, Inc. at the Acton Institute. With some ten years of international experience, Miller has lived and traveled in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He lectures internationally on such themes as moral philosophy, economic development, and social theory, and entrepreneurship. He is frequent guest on radio and has been published in the Washington Times, The Detroit News, The LA Daily News, and Real Clear Politics. He has appeared in various video curricula including Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, and the Birth of Freedom. Much of his current work at Acton involves leading PovertyCure, promoting entrepreneurial solutions to poverty in the developing world. Before coming to Acton, he spent three years at Ave Maria College of the Americas in Nicaragua where he taught philosophy and political science and was the chair of the philosophy and theology department. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, an M.A. from Nagoya University’s Graduate School of…
International Development (Japan), an M.A. in philosophy from Franciscan University, and an M.B.A. in International Management from Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Business. He serves on the board of the Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project and the President’s Advisory Council of Aquinas College in Nashville.
Dott. Michael Matheson Miller (inglese, spagnolo, giapponese)
Michael Matheson Miller è un ricercatore e direttore di Poverty Inc. presso l'Istituto Acton. Con circa dieci anni di esperienza internazionale, Miller ha vissuto e viaggiato in Europa, Asia, Africa e America Latina. Tiene conferenze a livello internazionale su temi come filosofia morale, sviluppo economico e teoria sociale e imprenditorialità. È spesso ospite in radio e ha pubblicato sul Washington Times, Detroit News, LA Daily News, e Real Clear Politics. È apparso in diversi programmi video tra cui Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, e the Birth of Freedom. Gran parte del suo attuale lavoro in Acton comporta la conduzione di PovertyCure, promuovendo soluzioni imprenditoriali alla povertà nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. Prima di giungere in Acton, ha trascorso tre anni all'Ave Maria College of the Americas in Nicaragua dove ha insegnato Filosofia e Scienze Politiche ed è stato presidente del dipartimento di filosofia e teologia. Ha conseguito la laurea presso l'Università di Notre Dame, una laurea specialistica presso Nagoya University's Graduate School di International Development in Giappone), una laurea specialistica in filosofia presso la Franciscan University e un M.B.A. in International Management presso la Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Business. È membro.. …del consiglio di amministrazione del Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project e del Consiglio consultivo del presidente dell'Aquinas College di Nashville, TN, USA.
Sr. Michael Matheson Miller (inglés, español y japonés)
Michael Matheson Miller es investigador y director del Poverty, Inc. del Instituto Acton. Con unos diez años de experiencia internacional, Miller ha vivido y viajado por Europa, Asia, África y América Latina. Da conferencias a nivel internacional en temas como la filosofía moral, el desarrollo económico y la teoría social, y el espíritu empresarial. Es un invitado frecuente en la radio y ha publicado en el Washington Times, The Detroit News, The LA Daily News, y Real Clear Politics. Él ha participado en varios vídeos, entre ellos; Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, and the Birth of Freedom. Gran parte de su trabajo actual en Acton es dirigir el proyecto PovertyCure, promoviendo soluciones empresariales para la pobreza en los países en desarrollo. Antes de llegar a Acton, él trabajó por tres años en Ave María College de las Américas en Nicaragua, donde fue profesor de filosofía y ciencias políticas y fue el decano de la Facultad de Filosofía y Teología. Recibió su licenciatura de la Universidad de Notre Dame, una maestría de la Escuela de Graduados de desarrollo internacional de la Universidad de Nagoya (Japón), una Maestría en Filosofía de la Universidad Franciscana, y una Maestría de… …negocios en Gestión Internacional de la escuela de graduados de negocios globales de la Universidad Thunderbird. Es miembro de la junta del Proyecto de Dietrich von Hildebrand y legado del presidente del Consejo Asesor de la Universidad Aquinas en Nashville.
Michael Matheson Miller is a research fellow and director of Poverty, Inc. at the Acton Institute. With some ten years of international experience, Miller has lived and traveled in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He lectures internationally on such themes as moral philosophy, economic development, and social theory, and entrepreneurship. He is frequent guest on radio and has been published in the Washington Times, The Detroit News, The LA Daily News, and Real Clear Politics. He has appeared in various video curricula including Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, and the Birth of Freedom. Much of his current work at Acton involves leading PovertyCure, promoting entrepreneurial solutions to poverty in the developing world. Before coming to Acton, he spent three years at Ave Maria College of the Americas in Nicaragua where he taught philosophy and political science and was the chair of the philosophy and theology department. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, an M.A. from Nagoya University’s Graduate School of…
International Development (Japan), an M.A. in philosophy from Franciscan University, and an M.B.A. in International Management from Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Business. He serves on the board of the Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project and the President’s Advisory Council of Aquinas College in Nashville.
Dott. Michael Matheson Miller (inglese, spagnolo, giapponese)
Michael Matheson Miller è un ricercatore e direttore di Poverty Inc. presso l'Istituto Acton. Con circa dieci anni di esperienza internazionale, Miller ha vissuto e viaggiato in Europa, Asia, Africa e America Latina. Tiene conferenze a livello internazionale su temi come filosofia morale, sviluppo economico e teoria sociale e imprenditorialità. È spesso ospite in radio e ha pubblicato sul Washington Times, Detroit News, LA Daily News, e Real Clear Politics. È apparso in diversi programmi video tra cui Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, e the Birth of Freedom. Gran parte del suo attuale lavoro in Acton comporta la conduzione di PovertyCure, promuovendo soluzioni imprenditoriali alla povertà nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. Prima di giungere in Acton, ha trascorso tre anni all'Ave Maria College of the Americas in Nicaragua dove ha insegnato Filosofia e Scienze Politiche ed è stato presidente del dipartimento di filosofia e teologia. Ha conseguito la laurea presso l'Università di Notre Dame, una laurea specialistica presso Nagoya University's Graduate School di International Development in Giappone), una laurea specialistica in filosofia presso la Franciscan University e un M.B.A. in International Management presso la Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Business. È membro.. …del consiglio di amministrazione del Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project e del Consiglio consultivo del presidente dell'Aquinas College di Nashville, TN, USA.
Sr. Michael Matheson Miller (inglés, español y japonés)
Michael Matheson Miller es investigador y director del Poverty, Inc. del Instituto Acton. Con unos diez años de experiencia internacional, Miller ha vivido y viajado por Europa, Asia, África y América Latina. Da conferencias a nivel internacional en temas como la filosofía moral, el desarrollo económico y la teoría social, y el espíritu empresarial. Es un invitado frecuente en la radio y ha publicado en el Washington Times, The Detroit News, The LA Daily News, y Real Clear Politics. Él ha participado en varios vídeos, entre ellos; Doing the Right Thing, Effective Stewardship, and the Birth of Freedom. Gran parte de su trabajo actual en Acton es dirigir el proyecto PovertyCure, promoviendo soluciones empresariales para la pobreza en los países en desarrollo. Antes de llegar a Acton, él trabajó por tres años en Ave María College de las Américas en Nicaragua, donde fue profesor de filosofía y ciencias políticas y fue el decano de la Facultad de Filosofía y Teología. Recibió su licenciatura de la Universidad de Notre Dame, una maestría de la Escuela de Graduados de desarrollo internacional de la Universidad de Nagoya (Japón), una Maestría en Filosofía de la Universidad Franciscana, y una Maestría de… …negocios en Gestión Internacional de la escuela de graduados de negocios globales de la Universidad Thunderbird. Es miembro de la junta del Proyecto de Dietrich von Hildebrand y legado del presidente del Consejo Asesor de la Universidad Aquinas en Nashville.
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