Thank you for your interest in Acton University 2025! To get started, please select the registration type that best suits your needs.
At Acton University, we are dedicated to making our conference accessible to all who need support. We offer fellowship programs and other financial assistance to help cover conference fees for qualifying applicants. Limited financial assistance may also be available for travel costs, depending on availability.
Please be aware that financial aid may come with additional requirements before or after the conference, and the amount of funding may vary based on individual needs.
Help us steward our resources effectively by applying for a fellowship only if you truly need financial assistance. We look forward to supporting you in your journey at Acton University.
We are excited to offer discounted conference rate to groups of 5 or more to attend Acton University 2025. To receive the discounted rate, groups MUST be affiliated with an official organization such as a nonprofit, university, or church.
What Your Registration Includes:
- Comprehensive access to the full conference, including all lectures, plenary sessions, networking breaks, and meals.
- A special opening night reception with Acton Institute Co-Founder and President, Kris Mauren.
- A private roundtable luncheon for healthcare professionals.
- A tour of internationally renowned medical institutions in Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
- A private tour of the Acton Institute’s headquarters.
- A complimentary "swag" bag.